Developer: Parallax Software
Release Date: March 13, 1996
Source Code Release Date: January 12, 1998

Released during the stretch in the 90's when it wasn't uncommon to release a game sequel just a year later that was simultaneously more of the same and yet considerably more ambitious, Descent II is exactly as advertised - shipping on CD-ROM with an impressive for the time series of video cutscenes it essentially improves on everything about the original.

NOTE: The DXX-Rebirth project builds into separate executables for Descent and Descent II. To play both games you will need to download both apps.

Purchasing a game through one of our links helps support the site.  You can use our Extractor utility to get the data from the GOG game installer.

Source Port:
  Universal 2 for Apple Silicon and 64-Bit Intel Macs  
Mac Source Ports Build

  Download  Version 0.60
Build date: February 16, 2024
Installation instructions

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