Developer: Black Isle Studios
Release Date: June 29, 2000
Source Code Release Date: Not formally released

Another Infinity Engine game taking place in a different Dungeons & Dragons region, Icewind Dale was developed by Black Isle studios, the developer beind the original Fallout games. This source port will also play the expansion pack, Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter, which is usually included in modern digital repackagings.

Note that GemRB requires the files from the original game, not the Enhanced Edition, however digital retailers such as GOG will also include the regular edition when you purchased the Enhanced Edition. Also worth noting that the GemRB site says that the sequel Icewind Dale II is playable but not completable, so if you want to try that one out just be advised support for it is incomplete.

NOTE: although this build of GemRB is signed and notarized, you may still experience issues with Gatekeeper on launch. While I'm still investigating why this happens, shortest answer is to right-click on the app bundle ( and select Open. The long answer is here.

Purchasing a game through one of our links helps support the site.  You can use our Extractor utility to get the data from the GOG game installer.

Source Port:
  Universal 2 for Apple Silicon and 64-Bit Intel Macs  
Mac Source Ports Build

Build Date: June 21, 2022
Installation instructions

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